Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Swimmer's Knee, Swimming, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Knee Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Swimmer's Knee, Swimming, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Knee Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy for Swimmer’s Knee

Swimmer’s knee is caused by repetitive strain on the knee ligaments, particularly the MCL, when performing the breaststroke. Pain in the MCL develops due to the repetitive flexion-extension, adduction, and external rotation of the knee against the water when completing the breaststroke. When doing the breaststroke, 70% of the propulsion of the stroke comes from the legs and knees, placing significant stress on the knees. Physical therapy can alleviate swimmer’s knee pain and restore movement and function in the knee safely through a targeted therapeutic exercise and manual therapy rehabilitation program.

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