Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common type of knee pain, causing pain around and under the kneecap. PFPS is prevalent among runners, cyclists, and young athletes as repetitive movements like running, jumping, or squatting can lead to chronic overuse of the knee and the development of PFPS. Physical therapy is highly effective in treating patellofemoral pain syndrome, using targeted exercise, stretching, and manual therapy to improve knee function and mobility and reduce pain.

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Knee Pain, Chronic Knee Pain, Chronic Pain, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Knee Pain, Chronic Knee Pain, Chronic Pain, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Chronic Knee Pain Causes and Treatment

Chronic knee pain, which affects one in four Americans, can be debilitating and limit your function and mobility. Chronic knee pain involves ongoing pain, swelling, and sensitivity in the knee that lasts more than 4-6 months and can result from a traumatic injury that healed incorrectly or from medical conditions like osteoarthritis. Physical therapy can help you manage chronic knee pain long-term without the need for surgery to reduce pain and improve your mobility and function.

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