10 Holiday Health and Fitness Tips Infographic

The holiday season is upon us! Many of us are participating in holiday work events, shopping, traveling, and gatherings with family and friends. The holiday season brings with it an often hectic pace and highly palatable and sugary foods, which can derail your healthy eating plan and regular exercise routine. Check out our infographic highlighting 10 holiday health and fitness tips to help you enjoy the holiday season while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing injury!

10 Holiday Health & Fitness Tips

  1. Creating a meal plan can help you stay on track to prepare a balanced plate at every meal. Aim for a plate of protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This will not only provide you needed nutrients, but also keep you satiated between meals.

  2. Plan your workouts and schedule them into your day and week. Try to stick to a consistent time and routine, such as strength training Tuesday and Thursday in the morning and taking a walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the morning. Commit to at least 20 minutes a day of movement. While a structured workout is great, taking a walk around the neighborhood with your family or your dog is a great way to get exercise in while having fun.

  3. Prior to a holiday party, do not skip meals that day to be hungrier for the party. Don’t deprive yourself during the day and end up overeating at the holiday party. Before the party, eat a protein-rich snack to help you pace yourself, such as apple slices with peanut butter or a slice of turkey and cheese. 

  4. At a holiday party or meal, fill half your plate with vegetables, 25% with protein, and 35% with whole grains and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Limit excessive alcohol intake. If you do choose to drink alcoholic beverages, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

  5. Prioritize getting enough sleep during the busy holiday season. Sleep can boost your mood, increase your memory, enhance immunity, and decrease weight gain.

  6. During the holidays, when you may be lifting heavy objects like boxes of holiday décor or Christmas trees, be sure to use proper lifting technique. Bend at the knees, using your legs to lift and keeping your back straight. Engage your core and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the load close to your body. Do not twist while carrying the load.

  7. When cooking in the kitchen, keep your core engaged as you lift pots and work on your countertop. Keep your shoulders relaxed and down as you chop and stir to reduce neck strain. When lifting items in and out of the oven, keep your core tight and engaged, squat down, keep your back straight, and use your knees and hips to lift the item. This will reduce strain on your back and support your body’s movement.

  8. When shopping for Christmas gifts, wear comfortable, supportive shoes to decrease stress on your feet and back as walk between various stores.

  9. When traveling, make a point to move and stretch frequently even if it’s in short spurts. If you’re driving, stop every few hours to get up, stretch, and walk around. If you’re flying, be sure to walk around the airport between flights or if you experience a delay. Regular movement and stretching will reduce muscle soreness and back and neck strain that is common when traveling and sitting in one position.

  10. Keep up with your physical therapy home exercise program to maintain strength, flexibility, and mobility.

During this holiday season, focus on quality time with family and friends first and foremost. Then, follow these tips to help yourself maintain a consistent, healthy, and balanced exercise and eating program during this busy season!


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