Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy for Episiotomy and Perineal Tears

A perineal tear or an episiotomy during childbirth can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary or fecal incontinence, and painful sex. An episiotomy is a surgical incision of the perineum to make more space for the baby, while a perineal tear involves natural stretching or tearing of the perineum, the area between the vagina and anus, during birth. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for perineal tearing or an episiotomy, using pelvic floor rehabilitation to restore function and strength to the pelvic floor muscles and address pain and incontinence. Mangiarelli Rehabilitation physical therapist Jen explains what an episiotomy is and how physical therapy can help you heal after an episiotomy or perineal tear.

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