15 Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit Over the Holidays


It’s that time of year—the holiday season is in full swing with holiday work events, gatherings with friends and family, shopping, and traveling. Between the highly palatable comfort foods of the season and the oftentimes hectic pace, it’s tempting to abandon healthy eating and regular exercise. Check out our tips below to stay healthy and fit over the holidays while thoroughly savoring and enjoying all the holiday season has to offer! 

15 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit During the Holidays

  1. Meal plan and prepare healthy, balanced, and regular meals of protein, vegetables, smart carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

  2. Plan your workouts and schedule them into your day and your week. Commit to at least 20 minutes a day of movement, whether that is a structured workout or a family walk around the neighborhood. The aim is to get your heart rate up and metabolism working, even in short spurts of time and intensity.

  3. Prior to a holiday party, do not skip earlier meals to be hungrier for the party or holiday meal. Don’t deprive yourself to only end up overeating in the long run. Eat a protein-rich snack before the meal to help you pace yourself.

  4. When at a holiday party or meal, fill half your plate with vegetables, 25% with protein, and 25% with whole grains and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Partake in moderation and limit excessive alcohol intake.

  5. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Maintaining proper hydration regulates body temperature, aids digestion, and is vital for many bodily processes.

  6. Get enough sleep as it enhances your mood, increases memory, boosts your immunity, and decreases weight gain.

  7. Track your habits using a food log, activity tracker, or fitness watch to track your daily progress and patterns. Adjust as needed to ensure you are eating balanced meals and getting regular physical activity.

  8. Don’t let the cold weather limit your exercise routine. Dress in layers so that you can remove them as needed as you workout and become heated outdoors.

  9. When shopping, wear comfortable, supportive shoes to decrease stress on your feet and back.

  10. When lifting heavy objects, such as holiday décor items, use proper lifting technique, bending at the knees, using your legs to lift, and keeping your back straight.

  11. Get daily sunlight as regular sunlight and sufficient Vitamin D improves mood. Get outdoors or work near a window to get some sun.

  12. Keep your core engaged and tight when cooking in the kitchen, lifting heavy boxes, or decorating the home for the holidays to reduce strain on the body and support your body’s movements.

  13. Plan ahead for holiday preparations, especially if you have a pre-existing injury and may be spending hours cooking or wrapping gifts. Make a plan to prevent aggravating the injury. Break up cooking or wrapping into smaller, shorter sessions.

  14. When traveling, it’s easy to become sedentary and inactive. Make a point to move and stretch daily even if it’s in short spurts, taking walk breaks during your drive or walking in the airport during a delay. Regular movement and stretching will reduce muscle soreness and back and neck strain.

  15. Keep up with your physical therapy home exercise program to maintain strength, flexibility, and mobility.

During this holiday season, focus on quality time with family and friends first and foremost. Then, follow these tips to help yourself maintain a consistent, healthy, and balanced exercise and eating program during this busy season!


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